While the 1UC building is closed, the bookstore has moved online.
The products listed here represent a tiny fraction of the bookstore's new and used offerings, and are updated frequently. Keep checking in!
As always, 100% of the proceeds go to support the work of First Unitarian Church with VOICE.
Paperback. New book.
"Learn here why definitions of the sacred in Unitarian Universalist churches are attracting ever larger and ever more grateful and reverent congregations every Sunday." - Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.
"This is simply superb. I know of nothing comparable to it. The old-timer as well as the 'come-outer' will find [A] Chosen Faith irresistable. It will be a gift for everyone, for the minister, for the laity, for theological students. Engaging, seductive, infectious. - James Luther Adams
This is the classic introductory text on Unitarian Universalism with chapters by former UUA President John Beuhrens and Forrest Church that explore the many sources of the living faith tradition of their chosen faith. This is a thought-provoking, entertaining sourcebook for searchers, newcomers and lifelong learners. Preface by former UU moderator Denise Davidoff.
Boston: Beacon Press, 1998.